[Official website]Hokkaido Youth Center Compass - Sapporo Sports and Accommodation Compass

Language : Japanese / English

Hokkaido Youth Center Compass

  • Hokkaido Youth Center Compass tel 81-11-584-7555
    Hokkaido Youth Center Compass tel 81-11-584-7555
  • Hokkaido Youth Center Compass(Group)
  • Hokkaido Youth Center Compass(Personal)

Application for Accommodation + Facility Use

How to Use

*After you fill out the form, we will contact you by email or phone to confirm your reservation.
*In the event of a cancellation, a cancellation fee will be charged in accordance with our cancellation policy.
*In the event of a cancellation, a cancellation fee will be charged in accordance with the cancellation policy.
*If there are any changes to your reservation, please contact us by e-mail.
*If you wish to pay by other methods, please contact us. If you would like to use another payment method, please contact us in advance.
*Group rates apply to a minimum of 8 people.*A surcharge will be applied for admission fees and other fees collected from visitors regardless of name, or for use for commercial purposes (e.g., sales of goods), political or religious activities, or for soliciting or recruiting members.
Name of representativeRequired
Group nameRequired
Phone numberRequired
Email addressRequired
Your addressRequired
Zip Code 
Transportation for the dayRequired
Number of times used in the past
Purpose of useRequired
Specific purpose of use

(overnight training, study camps, etc.)


Check-in dateRequired
. . (Year.Month.Day)
Check-in time

Check-in is available from 15:00.
Check-out dateRequired
. . (Year.Month.Day)
Accommodation PlanRequired
Number of guestsRequired
Male    person
Female person
High school student
Male    person
Female person
Elementary and middle school students
Male    person
Female person
Pre-school child
Male    person
Female person
Male    person
Female person
Preferred room typeRequired
Food Allergy Information

Use of Facilities

Age groupRequired
Facilities to be used
Reservation (1) Required
. . (Year.Month.Day)
Reservation (2)
. . (Year.Month.Day)
Equipment used

Other Information

Which of the following applies to the person accompanying you?
Payment MethodRequired

Preliminary estimateRequired

If you are staying in a hotel, we will send you a quote after the number of people and room assignments are completed.

We will send you a quote that can be calculated at this time.
Privacy Policy
Cancel Policy
Privacy and cancellation policies apply.
(You are deemed to have agreed to the terms and conditions when you submit your application.)
Please check. https://hs-compass.com/data/cancel_202306.pdf
I agree Required
About coming by car
Please be sure to consult with us in advance if you expect to bring a large number of cars. We may have to limit the number of cars. In addition, if we are unable to ascertain the number of visitors in advance, the organizer will be responsible for parking guidance.  Please be sure to consult with us in advance if you plan to use the venue for the sale of goods or for events that require an admission fee from visitors. Please note that fees and conditions of use are subject to change.
I agree Required
Other requests

Hokkaido Youth Center Compass

Post code 005-0022
8-1, Kashiwagaoka 7-chome, Makomanai, Minami-ku, Sapporo City, Hokkaido, Japan
(1)Get off at Makomanai Station on the Sapporo Municipal Subway Namboku Line.
(2)Makomanai Station Jotetsu Bus Stop #15, South 84 Makomanai Station. Get off at the last stop of "Youth Hall Mae".